In 2023, a devastating fire swept through Lāhaina, leaving the island of Maui in ruins. In response to this tragedy, our Kōkua Maui initiative rallied community support, raising $12,000 in just one month from generous individuals across Southern California. Kōkua Maui was honored to be featured by CBS News, The Orange County Register, and the Chino Champion for our efforts to provide relief to the residents of Lahaina in the aftermath of the disaster.

Through this initiative, we were able to offer essential assistance to those affected, highlighting the incredible compassion and solidarity within our community. Chef Charles humbly received recognition as Citizen of the Month by the State of California for his efforts in mobilizing support, and MK Hawaii was nominated for the Social Impact Award by Cal State Fullerton.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of the volunteers who helped us sell and make plate lunches, floral arrangements and t-shirts at our food truck every week. And a special mahalo to the Casco-Slade Family for their invaluable contributions, helping over 20 families on the ground and serving as our hands and hearts in Lāhaina during this challenging time.